Friday, January 17, 2014

The Reincarnation of Boom Boom~

    We've become a society of throw-aways. Throw-away phones, throw-away shoes, throw-away dogs. When its no longer attractive, or important or fashionable...its easily sent away.  Newest~ Best~ Fastest~ Fashionable.  All descriptive words which justify moving right along to the next best thing. People get puppies and puppies grow and chew and dig holes. So the cool, cute, sweet warm puppy becomes work. And the lines grow longer at the rescues.

Boom Boom fell into that category. We suspect that he was an Arabian show horse. Probably driving or english pleasure.  All guesses. But pretty educated guess from the manners and reactions he has shown us thus far. Indications from the shape of his feet suggest a horse trimmed and weighted for many years. A dropped back and high head carriage suggest lots of time with an over-check and bitting rig. He is very close to l6 years.  Here is the part we don't get. He is sound. He's extremely smart. He is is so excited to see humans. He wants a job. Loves us unconditionally. But he ended up being dumped for $25.00 at an auction. No papers. No notes about who or what he was. Bought  by a woman with some issues...... 

When we got him in August he was very close to not being a survivor through a hard winter. Not as bad as some you see. But none the less he had lost all muscle..everywhere. And not an extra pound of weight to be found.

I felt bad for him. We had gone to see what prospects might be available at a location across town after seeing quite a number of ads for various horses.  It was sad. And typical of Arizona. Small pens. No covers. They did have fresh clean water. Hard ground. And no feed to be seen. I gave her $400 dollars to buy hay. Boom Boom wouldn't, couldn't take his eyes of off me. Not for one second. No matter which pen I wandered to or what aisle I walked down, he watched me. Like a hawk. I wanted to leave without any "projects". I couldn't. Caught him up with a halter I brought and led him to our goose neck trailer . He never batted an eye. Literally loaded himself. Commenced to eating. I don't think he even looked back.

Thats been six months ago. We've had his teeth done and just in the nick of time. He's been adjusted and oohed and aahhed over by everyone that's laid a hand on him. He so sound its scary. He has no chiropractic issues.  Tremendous range of motion. Talent. Oh, my gosh. He is barefoot. He does everything you would expect of an Arabian show horse. But, he wasn't needed anymore. Not fashionable. Not flashy. Not enough motion.

He has a home with us now.  A new career. A promise that he will not be dumped again. He has been reincarnated.


  1. It is sad how many animals are left to a situation much like his - but I am so glad that we found him. It was absolutely meant to be and look at the gem that he is turning into <3 Love him so much and so happy he has found a forever home with you. I can't wait to continue to watch him grow and develop!

    1. Thank you, Natalie..I will forever be grateful that you took that trip with so squarely hit the nail on the head when you told me he watched me like a hawk! Everyone loves him!

  2. Beautifully written Connie! He is such a lucky boy and I am so glad that you have decided to keep him! He really is YOUR horse and has been for a long time. Besides, YaYa would probably have a fit if you found another home for him!

    1. Elaine...still figuring my way around google and blogs...thank you! I think he is amazing...I watched him gallop DOWN the middle of a very unlevel, steeply sloped , narrow berm...He made it look so effortless...made me cry to see his talent....Thank you for all the help with the Ya's seems to have corrected itself after packing her feet for 24 hours... :)

  3. It's so wonderful to see a bad situation for such an amazing animal turn into something good. Your compassion is greatly appreciated and I'm glad he was able to find you.

    1. Lisa, thank you for the kind words...have a wonderful day!
